Latin America

CPLC Brings Carbon Pricing Dialogue to The Pacific Alliance

President Bachelet Speaks at the Pacific Alliance summit 2016

The CPLC, in partnership with the Government of Chile and with the support of The Prince of Wales Corporate Leaders Group, held a high-level dialogue among private sector and government leaders on June 30 in Santiago, Chile to discuss carbon pricing and regional green growth. The event was held in the context of the Pacific Alliance Summit - during which Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru agreed to initiate a new environmental working group to promote regional green growth - and followed a series of technical workshops on carbon pricing organized by the Program for Market Readiness project in Chile.

Participants in the CPLC dialogue highlighted the value of carbon pricing policies as a tool to support collaborative green growth, in addition to meeting emissions reduction targets and achieving low carbon development objectives. Furthermore, the discussion emphasized the need for business-government partnerships to catalyze clean and efficient private sector growth, at scale.

President Bachelet delivered the keynote address, emphasizing that green growth is neither a luxury or privilege. Rather, it is a key pillar for development in the 21st century, driving innovation throughout the economy. Citing examples in clean energy production and storage, waste recycling, and pollution taxes, President Bachelet encouraged participants to collaborate in public-private platforms such as the CPLC and through the Pacific Alliance and identify green growth strategies that improve welfare of all people in this and future generations.

CPLC Participates in the Climate Business Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean in Bogota, Colombia

During the Climate Business Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean that took place in June, the CPLC convened a leadership lunch with the Vice Minister of Finance of Colombia - Mr. Andrés Escobar and about 30 business leaders from Latin America, including 10 CEOs from large regional groups.

The objective of the dialogue was to provide regional business leaders the opportunity to engage with the Government of Colombia, as a member of the Pacific Alliance, to discuss the growing momentum to use carbon pricing policies to achieve climate and fiscal policy goals. Participants also discussed the opportunities for improved regional collaboration and future carbon pricing pathways for the region. Moving forward, CPLC will continue supporting the engagement of the Colombian government and businesses in the ongoing carbon pricing dialogue taken place in the context of the Pacific Alliance and a potential American regional market.

The Forum, attended by over 200 Latin American business leaders, served as an important convening platform for business leaders from around the region and other emerging markets who are steering their companies towards new business models that capitalize on climate-smart practices and initiatives.

Colombia’s Finance Minister Mauricio Cardenas opens at the Climate Business Forum 2016